You’ve probably never heard of the ultra-tiny amino-acid sequence called proline-rich polypeptide (PRP). But 39 studies published on PubMed
(www.pubmed.com) that talk about PRPs suggest these wunderkinds are truly a breakthrough in anti-aging medicine, immune health and mind
Technically speaking, PRPs, isolated from first-milking colostrum, are aminoacid sequences of ten chains or fewer of high amounts of proline.
Though small, they are critical to healthy immune function and activate the thymus gland. With enhanced immune activity via thymus-gland
function, the body is able to not only fight off viral and bacterial infections, but also down-regulate inflammatory pathways within the normal range.
Now researchers have found that PRPs offer a safe and promising preventive approach for fighting off symptoms of memory loss, including
possibly Alzheimer’s. However, we must hasten to add that PRPs are not drugs and not intended to treat, cure or diagnose any disease. They
are part of first-milking colostrum and there to help your body maintain and support memory and mental activity.
Bio-Medicine reported on July 29, 2005, “Based on findings of a recent study, researchers say that a mixture of peptides derived from colostrum
could help slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease by reducing the buildup of the brains of Alzheimer’s sufferers.” The report noted, “In a
double-blind, placebo-controlled trial on 106 people with mild to moderate Alzheimer’s disease published last year, it was found that after 15
weeks of taking the product in tablet form, around 40 percent of the patients were stabilized or had an improved overall response in tests on
function. The greatest effects were seen during the earlier stages of the disease, and no serious adverse events were observed during the trial.”
In the latest study, published in the July 2009 issue of the Journal of Nutrition, Health & Aging (13;6:522-7), researchers established that it had
previously been demonstrated that oral administration of proline-rich polypeptide isolated from colostrum “can effectively treat Alzheimer’s
disease patients,” and in this recent article, they observed that neuronal cells pretreated with PRPs avoid the accumulation of beta amyloid.
A review article in the October 1, 2007 issue of Progress in Neuro-Psychopharmacology & Biological Psychiatry (31;7:1347-55) further
supported these findings. Dr. A. Gladkevich of the Department of Psychiatry, University of Groningen, the Netherlands, noted the growing body
of work on PRPs, saying “The development of effective and safe drugs for a growing lzheimer-disease population is an increasing need at
present. Both experimental and clinical evidence support a beneficial effect of PRPs in a number of neurodegenerative diseases, including
Alzheimer disease. Experimental data have shown that proline-rich polypeptides isolated from bovine neurohypophysis possess
neuroprotective and neuromodulatory properties in mice with aluminum neurotoxicosis or neuronal damage caused by venoms and toxins.”
Colostrum from Immune Tree is extremely rich in PRPs because, compared to New Zealand Colostrum and other similar products, it is only
collected from the first milking that occurs within eight hours of the birth of the calf. New Zealand Colostrums can be collected 24 hours or more
after the birth, at which time the levels of growth factors and peptides are far more reduced. Cognitive improvements are one of the first things
that patients who use Immune-Tree certified colostrums experience.
Of course, Immune-Tree certified first-milking colostrum is not a drug but a food that should be used for the maintenance of healthy mental
function. Interestingly, special transport molecules in colostrum actually shield PRPs from degradation in the stomach so they can pass through
into systemic circulation.
Besides its promising benefits for cognitive health and mental function, first-milking colostrum is one of the most effective methods of
maintaining immune health and helps to add muscle, normalize allergic responses, and up- or downregulate the immune system. Much of this is
thanks to PRPs, those amazing ultra-tiny molecules, and now they’re available in a formula that holds real promise for those who might benefit
Only Immune Tree Colostrum is Colostrum rich bovine first milk.
Cornel Professor Emeritus, Dr. Donald H. Lein
by Dr. Anthony Kleinsmith
Natures most potent Super Healer